Richland Co., Ohio

Neighborhood News

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The Richland Star (Bellville) -- 18 December 1879


Source:  The Richland Star:  18 December 1879, Vol. III, No. 12  (source document held by Bellville / Jefferson Township Historical Museum)


O.H. Gurney's daughter is quite ill with typhoid fever.

Miss Louie Philpott visited friends in Chesterville last week.

Jake Cotner, of Mansfield, visited W.H. Batterson Saturday.

Dr. J.B. Lewis and wife left Monday on a visit to relatives in Morrison, Ill.

Miss Cordelia Moore visited her sister Jennie, at Newark, from Friday until Sunday.

Mrs. Wilda Hammond, of Millwood, Knox County, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Dr. McMahon.

Miss Jennie Campbell, of Shreve, visited her friend, Miss May Weagly, the first of the week.

Mrs. Hon. R.M. Lockheart, of Waterloo, Ind., has been visiting her niece, Mrs. J. Frank Bowers.

Mrs. Almira Lafferty, is visiting friends in this locality.  Her home is now in Allegheny City, Pa.

Sheriff Ritchie took John Oweiler from Sharon Tp. to the Insane Asylum at Columbus on Monday of last week.

Eli Hess is climbing the musical ladder.  He is now superintending quite a number of singing schools in the vicinity of Independence.

Licenses to marry have been issued as follows:  Michael O'Connor and Nora Fleeharty, Geo. W. Weidner and Effie M. Hunt, Geo. W. Durbin and Elizabeth A. Garber.

Mrs. Hendrickson living South of town, fell and dislocated her wrist Saturday morning last.  Dr. McMahon was called and reduced the dislocation, and she is doing well.

At the meeting of the Board of School Examiners held Nov. 22nd., Jane E. Ferguson, of Lexington, was granted a certificate for 24 months;  Frances H. Beck, of Bellville, and Philip Traxler, of Butler, for 18 months;  and James A. Boggs, of Lexington, for 6 months.

The Honey Creek Lyceum came to order at the call of the president last Friday evening, and the following officers were chosen for the term of eight weeks;  I.W. Howard, Pres.;  G.E. Crain, Vice Pres.;  N. Simmons, Sec.;  W.L. Hamilton, Critic;  Milo Young, Emma Russell and N. Simmons, Committee.  Meets again to-morrow evening.

Mrs. Daniel Aungst is very ill.  J.H. Sipe was down from Woodview, Saturday.

A.T. Borden has removed from Sunbury to Centerburgh.

Cyrus Gatton informs us his suit with Palm has been appealed to a higher court.

Miss Emma Weaver will attend Normal School at Mansfield after the holidays.

N.O. Smith and lady spent the past week visiting friends about Nevada.

Mrs. Wm. M. Smith and daughter, Elsie, are visiting her brother-in-law, Mr. Ben. Smith.

Mrs. B.C. Hill has been here for several weeks, and her health has greatly improved.  Her home is below Independence.

Samuel Garber, Sr., left Tuesday for Columbus, to remain awhile before making his home in Missouri, with his son Jackson.

Z. Shafer and C.L. Bryant have withdrawn from the minstrel force.  Their places have been filled and no drawback will result.

"Monday night, Dec. 8, some of the fun-loving ladies of Bellville met and organized a club which now bears the name of the O.M.C.  It organized with ten members:  Ida Charles, Lulu Day, Rosa Edwards, Nettie Gurney, Abba Lafferty, Addie Post, Lou Rummel, Ada Seiler, Nora Shafer, Belle Wright.  The object of this club is not pleasure alone.  The evenings will be occupied by music, select reading, and other pleasant exercises."  A member of the new organization favored us with the above item.  We guess the full name is "Old Maid's Club", and a meeting will be held every Tuesday evening.  The object, we notice, is not pleasure alone, and our belief is, the ladies mean business.  Whether the appearance of the organization just on the verge of Leap Year has, or has not, any particular significance, we are not prepared to say.

There was a shooting match at Samuel Hamilton's Saturday.

David Gatton and family are in from Kansas, for a visit to relatives.

HOUSE BURNED.  Last Saturday morning, about nine o'clock, Levi Evarts' house caught fire from a defective flue and burned to the ground.  Bedsteads, bedding, a trunk full of fine goods partly made up, the provisions and some valuable books were consumed.  Through the timely aid of friends, a part of the household goods were saved.  Mr. Evarts lives near Hastings and was away from home when the fire occurred.

SURPRISE PARTY.  On the evening of December 9th., a company consisting of Mr. B.F. Shaffer's parents, brothers and sister and his warm friends to the number of forty, gathered at his residence during the absence of himself and family, to celebrate the 35th. birth-day anniversary of Mrs. Albina Shaffer.  Dr. Pancost was sent in search of the missing family, that had gone to spend the evening with a neighbor.  He soon found them and claimed important business with them and insisted that they go home.  Their surprise can be better imagined than described when they arrived, to find their house filled with people "thick as flies" as they expressed it.  A jolly throng were busy as bees, spreading the tables and loading them with good things.  To Mrs. Shaffer were presented to elegant dresses, a fine ruche, and a nice tea set.  Oysters were served in abundance, with cakes, pies, pickles, &c., too numerous to mention.  All had a jolly time;  and, just before leaving, which was about ten o'clock, some of the ladies picked up Mrs. Shaffer and carried her about the house, amid shouts of laughter from the merry company.

DURBIN-GARBER.  Last Thursday, Dec. 11th., Mr. George Durbin and Miss Libbie Garber, were married at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. C.A. Lander.  A few relatives and invited friend were present to witness the tie.  The ceremony was performed at 1 o'clock.  After the congratulations were all passed the Pastor presented the gifts, after which the guests broke into a promiscuous chat.  Among the pleasing incidents noticeable was the matrimonial inspiration that seemed to come over the Rev. Mr. Lander, which entwined him in an offer to still reduce the company, and at half price -- to make two one you know.  the next change in the programme was a call to the marriage feast, which was substantial as well as "perfectly splendid".  Evening soon came on and the "cousins" were seen slowly and joyfully winding their way to their several dwellings with a large bulk of cake under their arms for the folks at home.  Uncle John and Aunt Mary Garber now have a new title in the family relations, and we wish the young couple success and happiness.

NOTICE:  All persons are hereby warned against purchasing a note against me held by Jerry Gatton.  -- D. Oyster.

Grand Jury indictments:  Against Joseph Walker, for burglary and larceny, on October 26th., in Plymouth, in the store of Amos F. Upp;  Against Hiram Thompson, for burglary and larceny, at the same place;  against William B. Ellis, for removing a land mark and township corner, on Dec. 16th., 1878;  on the boundary line between Huron and Richland counties, at the south west corner of Ripley township;  against David Leather for assault with intent to kill and assault with intent to wound and for pointing a fire arm at Jacob Martin in Mifflin Twp., Oct. 7th. last.  Leather gave bail and his case was continued until next term.  The trial of the others is set for hearing in the first week in January.

Liens and leases, mortgages, articles of agreement, and assignment of mortgages, as well as deeds, must now be recorded within six moths after execution to effect a good title.  Transfers of real estate:  John Groh to Wm. Sindlinger, 1/2 acre in Jefferson Twp., $85;  A. Freehafer to Wm. Kinton, 80 acres in Worthington twp., $1400;  Jacob Shuff to Solomon Mier, 80 acres in Jefferson Twp., $300;  Geo. Montis to John McGarvey, 37 acres in Jefferson Twp., $250;  H.M. Bailey to Martin A. Olive, lot 20, Bellville, $500;  Susannah Will to Lydia Keefer, 8 cares in Washington Twp., $400;  Haskett Barrett to J.D. Robinson, 50 acres in Jefferson Twp., $2500;  A.D. Brumbaugh to J.C. Secrist, 20 acres in Worthington Twp., $800.


Lester Traxler has commenced the erection of two more dwellings.

S.H. Harden is gradually recovering.

Reuben Phike cut his foot so badly some four weeks ago that it has confined him to the house ever since.

Mike Crowner is around on crutches.  Cause, rheumatism.

Jack Nichols is improving the banks of the Clearfork near Jes. Emming's by putting in stone, and straightening the road at that point.

Geo. Swader, who has been living for a long time in Tennessee, has returned with his family, and has bought the lot west of town, formerly owned by Willis Clark.

Milt Traxler attends to lighting the street lamps.

Jack Nichols and Tyne Mix are owners of the Wolf property.

Leureti Black was buried at the Bunker Hill Church last Tuesday.  She died the 14th. inst.  Aged 17 years, 3 months and 10 days.

We learn that Frank Divelbiss was one among the number that had their pockets picked at the Columbus Grant reception.  Two dollars was the amount.

James Pearce, Jr., gave a social hop last Tuesday evening in honor of his birth day.

Our Cleveland groceryman, M. Marcuson, tells us that groceries and oil are still climbing.

U. Moor moved last Tuesday to G. Darling's old property, and D. Baker will take the hotel property.


I think a few items from our quiet town might be acceptable in the make up of your excellent paper, and of interest to those of your patrons formerly residents of this place.  Among them are Father and Mother Barrett, whose departure was much regretted by their Methodist friends and acquaintances generally.  All accord to J.H. Kelly so far as good material and first-class work are concerned.  We remember Dr. Sampsell and wife who often took the part of "Good Samaritan" among us.  And there is neighbor Schafer, who has no superior in his line of business.

H.S. Moore recently returned from Kansas, where he has spent the last year, and brings a favorable report from the grasshopper state.  He is looking well.

Sabbath the 14th., at the Congregational Church, a vote was taken on the matter of retaining their Pastor for the coming year.  The vote resulted in a unanimous call for Rev. Boyce for the fourth year, and the salary was nearly all raised at the same time.  Washington cheerfully co-operated with the church.

A.B. Beverstock is still in feeble health, as he nears his 75th. birth-day.

Frank Bailey is home, sick with diptheria, but is improving.

Mrs. Wintrode has gone to Alleghany City to spend the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. G.V. Fry.


Jacob Berry improved three of his buildings the past Summer by reroofing them, and erected one new building.  Men of enterprise is what our country needs.

Wm. Norris is making improvements on the farm he recently bought of the widow Darling.  He has used a car load of fine fencing on it, and intends to build a house next Spring.

We are having a prosperous school at Maple Grove.  It is taught by L.E.

The mashed wagon by the accident in P. Berry's woods, is in the hands of the repairer.

Rev. P. Berry called on Rev. T. Dyer, of Johnsville, Saturday of last week, and found him unconscious, in which state he had lain for twenty-four hours.  His recovery is doubtful.

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Advertiser's Index

  • Norton's (perfumery, paper)
  • I. Fisher (candies, lanterns)
  • Madden's (fancy boxes, toys, autograph albums)
  • Beach's (doll carriages, children's china tea sets, cornets, trumpets)
  • Clark's (toys, stoves)
  • C. Burt Hines (hides, pelts)
  • O.H. Gurney & Sons (guns)
  • Miss E.A. Charles (hats, flowers, feathers)
  • Bonar & Neily (candies)
  • Hilbourn's (millinery and dressmaking)

Transcribed by Amy E. Armstrong, Saturday, July 14, 2007

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Saturday, July 14, 2007